Saturday, August 23, 2008

she thinks I'M angry

my sister, cortney, thinks i have an "angry" blog. whatever that means. so i guess i'll just go with it...

WHY, in heaven's name do people not from california insist on calling it cali? no respectable person from california would ever dream of calling it cali. it does not make you sound cool OR californian.

so there.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

4 years

well, should have been. it's hard to believe and it still blows, big time.

happy anniversary, d

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

true story

as i was walking to my front door with a ginormous armful of groceries tonight after a visit to the gym, a bunch of little girls run up to me and say:

"hey lady. do you want to buy some ice cold lemonade? wow, you look tired. i think you really need some."

yeah. no thanks, jerks.

Friday, August 8, 2008

he always was my favorite dwarf

that's how i felt today after my 3 day conference ended. all the planning, stressing, and early morning office arrivals were totally worth it because we totally rocked it. i think people were impressed. i still like (most of) my coworkers. everything went off without a hitch and now i need to sleep...for the next week.

good night.