the holidays were a blast. frank's parents were here from ecuador and stayed at my house for a whole week. keep in mind that i do not habla the espanol. yikes. most of the time, it worked out. i got lots of new "ethnic" recipies and never knew what my kitchen was really missing...a rice cooker. fashioned by the gods, i say. his sis has the christmas pics on her camera, but here are a few from our new year's eve. yep, that's me. dancing.

we're pretty much the cutest.

the anos viejos...if you're that interested, google it.
I can take a guess since I do habla un piquito espanol. Viejo means old man or something old in a masculine term if I'm not mistaken and anos is probably year or like anniversary or it's the old year? but what's all the writing?
Hardcore, Becca. Hardcore.
Um..yeah, you guys are totally super cute!!! And I am totally with ya on the donning (dawning???) of the crown full time. Totally works for ya! lol! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
You both look so cute and so happy!
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