1. cook-outs.
for those of you who look at these pictures and say, hey, that's a bbq! you're right. go with it. i've found it's just not worth it to question east coast retoric.
2. shutterfly.com
trying to organize a million wedding/honeymoon pictures has turned out to be quite delightful with shutterfly photo books. our honeymoon book arrived today and i have to say i'm quite pleased. just in case you haven't had enough, here are a few more wedding photos. isn't michelle divine?

this may be my all-time favorite...

or maybe this one...

3. estoy aprendiendo espanol
si, es verdad. yo hablo espanol. kind of.
every wednesday night at casa de suco is noche latina. hablamos espanol solemente. it's mostly me being quiet, which is pretty difficult, but i've been learning a lot. my favorite part of the evening is when we sit down to watch the classiest of all spanish tv, doce corazones. if you have telemundo and you're not watching this regularly, i'm embarrased for you. trust me on this one.
4. new work schedule
my 3 hours a day in the car from here to there was killing me. i cut my hours and now work 4 nine hour days and take off fridays. house frau fridays, if you will. best decision i ever made. i spent most of the summer teaching a summer camp at the nj state museum. here's a pic one of the kids took. she's got mad skillz.
5. too cute to not include
my nieces and nephews at the wedding. i know, they take after me.

the end.
El amor de la barbacoa, el amor del los viernes, y el amor las fotos!
Huh... huh!!!
And the barfing pic is probably the best picture ever taken.
Yes! Open blog stalking!
The protective guys + puking pic is delightful.
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