Tuesday, July 17, 2007

paris, eat your heart out

reasons to get arrested:

drug possesion
domestic violence
unpaid parking tickets

i have paid my debt to society for one unpaid parking ticket. aren't you glad i spent a night off the streets. i'm sure your children slept soundly for that 90 minutes. yes, there were handcuffs involved. yes, the back seat of the patrol car was in desperate need of a lysol wipe. or two. yes, i was attached by my right wrist to a "booking table" for fear i might flee. yes, the only thing i could do was laugh. hysterically.

$60 later, i'm a free woman. god bless the judicial system for having mercy on my soul.


the meyersons said...

Hysterically? As in...maybe we should keep her handcueffed because she a looney bin?

I'm picturing a hyena here.

the meyersons said...

My favorite is my spelling.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Becca you are so funny! keep up the good work.

p.s. i live in a new town and am totally looking for a husband for you:
am i right?


Becca said...


take out cooking, i can handle that and add a few more "rich"-es.

jenn knows how to get a hold of me.

my bank account thanks you.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

You are one funny girl! Give me a jingle sometime and we will chat!
