i feel that my music credentials make my opinion about the american idol final more valid than pretty much anyone i know, so here it comes.

i've been a cook fan from the beginning. i think he
SHOULD win. but will he? no. here's why:
a) his fan base - too old. not the "text and call constantly to vote for the entire 4 hour voting period" like his competition's fan base. i do, however, think both the davids have equally large mobs of screaming girls - all fainting at the mere thought of them.
b) his vocal technique - i've been concerned about this for quite some time. that raspy, dare i say sexy, sound means there's some serious damage happening. that was made very apparent tonight when he barely screamed out song #2. get that boy some throat coat and 3 weeks of vocal rest, stat.
based solely on tonight's performances, archuleta takes it hands down. and that's how i think it will play out tomorrow. and there you have it. i now call archuleta season 7's american idol.
that will be $100 please.